Alexandrina Cardoso
Alexandrina Cardoso

Research Group: HIS-EHR – Health Information Systems & Electronic Health Records
Thematic Line: TL3 – Health Data & Decision Sciences & Information Technologies
Hub: Nursing Shool of Porto
Research Areas: Nursing, Maternal and Midwifery, Parental competencies

updated on 16/03/2018

Alexandrina Maria Ramos Cardoso is an integrated researcher of HIS-EHR, a CINTESIS research group.

She is trained in Maternal and Midwifery Nursing, has a Master Degree in Nursing Sciences from the Abel Salazar Institute of Biomedical Sciences of the University of Porto (ICBAS) and a Doctoral Degree in Nursing from the Health Sciences Institute of the Portuguese Catholic University (UCP).

She is an Assistant Professor at the Nursing School of Porto (ESEP) and the author of the book “Becoming a Mother, Becoming a Parent: Parenting Skills”.

TITLE: Representing nursing knowledge on maternal and neonatal health: a study on the cultural suitability of ICNP (R)
AUTHORS: Cardoso, A; Paiva e Silva, APE;

TITLE: Pregnant Women’s Knowledge Gaps about Breastfeeding in Northern Portugal
AUTHORS: Alexandrina Cardoso; Abel Paiva e Silva; Heimar Marín;
SOURCE: Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, VOLUME: 07, ISSUE: 03, PUBLISHED: 2017

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