Amadeu Gonçalves
Amadeu Gonçalves

Research Group: NursID: Innovation & Development in Nursing
Thematic Line: TL1 – Preventive Health and Societal Challenges
Hub: Nursing School of Porto
Research Areas: Psychiatry and Mental Health, Positive Mental Health, Suicidal Behaviors, Suicidal Behaviors in Higher Education Students: Risk and Protection Factors

updated on 12/03/2018

Amadeu Matos Gonçalves is a full member of the NursID Group of CINTESIS.

He earned his Master Degree from the University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL) and his PhD in Nursing Science in 2014 from the Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar of the University of Porto.

After completing his training in Nursing at the Polytechnic Institute of Guarda, he specialized in Psychiatry and Mental Health at ESEP, having served as a Specialist Nurse at the Magalhães Lemos Hospital in Porto and at the Hospital São Teotónio in Viseu.

He is currently Professor of the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu and a member of the Editorial Committee of the Portuguese Society of Mental Health Nursing.

TITLE: Suicidal Ideation on Higher Education Students: Influence of Some Psychosocial Variables
AUTHORS: Amadeu Matos Goncalves ; Carlos Alberto D da Cruz Sequeira ; Joao Carvalho Duarte; Paula Pinto de Freitas;

TITLE: Suicide ideation in higher education students: Influence of social support
AUTHORS: Goncalves, A ; Sequeira, C ; Duarte, J; Freitas, P;
SOURCE: Atencion Primaria, VOLUME: 46, ISSUE: S5, PUBLISHED: 2014

TITLE: Caregivers’ burden experienced by relatives living with a person suffering from schizophrenia
AUTHORS: Lidia Cabral; Maria Joao Almeida; Manuela Ferreira; Amadeu Goncalves ; Joao Duarte;
SOURCE: 2nd International Conference on Health and Health Psychology (icH and Hpsy) in 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HEALTH AND HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY (ICH&HPSY), VOLUME: 13, PUBLISHED: 2016

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Positive Mental Health Program (PMHP)// Programa de Promoção de Saúde Mental Positiva (PPSM+)