Cristina Carvalho Pinto
Cristina Carvalho Pinto

Research Group:  NursID: Innovation & Development in Nursing
Thematic Line: TL1 – Preventive Medicine & Societal Challenges
Hub: Nursing School of Porto
Research Areas: Nursing, Cancer Nursing, Cancer, Informal Caregiver

updated on /12/2018

Cristina Carvalho Pinto is an integrated member of the research group NursID at CINTESIS.

She graduated in nursing and earned both, her Master in Oncology and her Doctorate in Nursing Sciences from the Abel Salazar Institute of Biomedical Sciences of the University of Porto, in 2007 and 2015, respectively. She worked as a specialist nurse at the Portuguese Institute of Oncology Francisco Gentil (IPO) of Porto, integrating the Portuguese Association of Oncology Nursing and the Portuguese Association of Gerontogeriatric Nursing (APEG) of which she is a founder.

She is currently Adjunct Professor at the Nursing School of Porto (ESEP) and her main research interests are in the area of informal care and cancer.