Francisco Sampaio
Francisco Sampaio

Research Group: NursID: Innovation & Development in Nursing
Thematic Line: TL1 – Preventive Health and Societal Challenges
Hub: Nursing School of Porto
Research Areas: Intervention Models, Psychotherapeutic Intervention, Mental Health and Psychiatry Nursing, Nursing Taxonomies

Francisco Sampaio is an integrated doctorate researcher at CINTESIS. He is a member of the research group NursID – Innovation & Development in Nursing.

He graduated in Nursing (2010), specialized in Mental Health and Psychiatry, and earned his Master in the same area (2012) from the Nursing School of Porto (ESEP).

He completed the Doctoral Program in Nursing Sciences at the University of Porto in 2018 with the thesis “Development and evaluation of a psychotherapeutic intervention model in nursing”.

Currently, he is a specialist nurse at the Hospital of Braga, responsible for the training program in the assistance area of Nursing and liaison person with the CUF Academia. He is also professor at ESEP, member of the Direction Board of the Portuguese Society of Mental Health Nursing and associate editor of the Portuguese Journal of Mental Health Nursing.  Francisco Sampaio has received many awards and has published several books, book chapters and scientific articles in national and international journals. His research interests focus mainly on Intervention Models, Psychotherapeutic Intervention, Mental Health and Psychiatry Nursing, and Nursing Taxonomies.

TITLE: Contributes for the development of a psychotherapeutic intervention model in nursing: A focus group study in Portugal and Spain
AUTHORS: Francisco Miguel C Correia Sampaio ; Carlos Alberto D da Cruz Sequeira ; Maria Teresa L Lluch Canut;

TITLE: A randomized controlled trial of a nursing psychotherapeutic intervention for anxiety in adult psychiatric outpatients
AUTHORS: Francisco Miguel C Correia Sampaio ; Odete AraujoCarlos Sequeira ; Maria Teresa L Lluch Canut; Teresa Martins;

TITLE: Content Validity of a Psychotherapeutic Intervention Model in Nursing: A Modified e-Delphi Study
AUTHORS: Francisco Miguel C Correia Sampaio ; Carlos Sequeira ; Teresa L Lluch Canut;

TITLE: Evaluation of the Psychometric Properties of NOC Outcomes “Anxiety Level” and “Anxiety Self-Control” in a Portuguese Outpatient Sample
AUTHORS: Francisco Miguel Correia Sampaio ; Odete Sofia Silva Lomba AraújoCarlos Alberto da Cruz Sequeira ; María Teresa Lluch Canut; Teresa Martins;
SOURCE: International Journal of Nursing Knowledge, PUBLISHED: 2017

TITLE: Evaluation of the Psychometric Properties of the Mental Vulnerability Questionnaire in Undergraduate Students
AUTHORS: Carlos Alberto da Cruz Sequeira ; Elsa Natalina M Mendes Barbosa; Maria Jose C Carvalho Nogueira; Francisco Miguel C Correia Sampaio ;

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