Inês Rosendo
Inês Rosendo

Research Group:  PrimeCare – Primary Health Care Research
Thematic Line: TL1 – Preventive Medicine & Societal Challenges
Hub: Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto
Research Areas:  Medicine, General and Family Medicine, Sports Medicine

updated on 15/03/2018

Inês Rosendo is an integrated researcher of the PrimeCare group, Thematic Line 1 – Preventive Medicine and Societal Challenges of CINTESIS.

She graduated in Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra (FMUC), in 2005, and completed a postgraduate course and a Master in Sports Medicine at the same education institution. It was also at FMUC, in 2017, where she completed her Doctorate in Health Sciences. She has authored several scientific articles.

Inês Rosendo is an Assistant Medical Doctor, and a Specialist in General and Family Medicine (GFM), at the Fernão de Magalhães Personalised Health Care Unit. She is also a Guest Assistant Lecturer of GFM at FMUC, reviewer of the BMJ (British Medical Journal) and of the Acta Médica Portuguesa, and editor of the Journal of the Portuguese Association of Teachers and Trainers in General and Family Medicine (ADSO, by its acronym in Portuguese).