Pedro Bem-Haja
Pedro Bem-Haja

Research Group: AgeingC: AgeingCluster
Thematic Line: TL1 – Preventive Health and Societal Challenges
Hub:  University of Aveiro
Research Areas: Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Cognitive Neuropsychology, Statistical Analysis, Psychophysiology

updated on 02/01/2019

Pedro Bem-Haja is an integrated member of the AgeingC research group at CINTESIS.

He earned his doctorate in Psychology from the University of Aveiro (UA) in 2018, with the thesis “Psychophysiology of Eyewitness testimony”. Previously, in 2011, he had finished his master degree in Forensic Psychology at the University of Aveiro.

He is a guest assistant professor of the Department of Education and Psychology of the University of Aveiro and a member of the research teams of several projects, namely the project “DORIAN – Do you recognize me?” Financed by FCT, “Psychosocial Risks in Portuguese Doctors” financed by the Portuguese Order of Doctors; and the project Psychosocial Risks in Portuguese Surgeons, funded by the Portuguese Society of Surgery. He works as court expert, having already performed more than 800 expert valuations, especially in the field of Forensic Psychology.