Project Description

COVIDLEARNING – Knowledge Sharing for Health Professionals


The proliferation of academic publications on COVID-19 helped to raise awareness about the signs and symptoms of the disease in an initial phase of the study and initial knowledge about the epidemiological pattern of the disease. Despite the initial positive contribution, many of these reports are of low scientific quality or limited power of analysis, adding to the confusion and misinformation regarding the progression of the disease.

In this regard, COVlDLearning proposes the combination of technological solutions that will allow to obtain the latest scientific evidence, map them and synthesize them with scientifically validated training and informational materials, in order to improve the quantity and quality of information available to professionals of health on COVID-19.

On the other hand, intelligent interaction tools will enhance the development of the dynamics of communities of practice by health professionals and researchers, who will be able to share safely accurate knowledge and experiences about the clinical management of COVID-19, which will promote the continuity of interaction, use, and quality of the COVlDLearning platform.

Thus, the main objectives of the COVlDLearning platform are: to provide access to validated scientific literature, to formative and informative content, as well as to guidelines on COVID-19; incorporate intelligent interaction tools, such as machine learning algorithms and a computer-enabled content analysis system with natural language processing, to support the dynamization of communities of practice aimed at health professionals and researchers.

Funding Institution

NORTE 2020

Global Budget

179,877.61 €


40,427.61 €



Projetos IDT Empresas em Co-Promoção: COVID 19


6 months (Started on 01/10/2020)

CINTESIS Researchers Involved