How can family intervention help patients with end-stage renal disease undergoing hemodialysis? Daniela Figueiredo, a researcher at CINTESIS/University of Aveiro, explained the objectives of this project in an interview to the program “Mentes que Brilham”, of the Porto Channel.

“This condition implies alterations in the patient’s and the family’s lives and has a great impact from the psychological and social point of view. Family members have a very important role and may suffer some overload associated with this role they play in terms of support. In order to avoid disruption, it makes sense that the family can be intervened,” says the specialist. We hope that support for the management of this chronic disease may ultimately improve adherence and eligibility of these patients for transplantation.

In Portugal, there are about 12,000 patients on hemodialysis, most of whom are 65 years old or older. Portugal is one of the European countries with a higher prevalence rate of renal replacement therapy, and there are more and more people in old age who initiate hemodialysis treatment.

The full interview is available here.