“It is essential that patients with severe asthma know their disease and pathology well and have a good relationship with the doctor,” says João Fonseca, researcher of CINTESIS – Center for Health Technology and Services Research.

In an interview, the specialist in immuno-allergology and professor of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto recalls that “the influence of severe asthma on the patient’s daily life is totally different from mild or moderate asthma” and points out some factors that may help treatment adherence, such as simple regimens, and a good doctor-patient relationship. He also says that “technological solutions, particularly digital health, will also play a relevant role in the improvement of adherence to therapy in the coming years.”

João Fonseca’s statements are part of the “Living without Breath” event, which will take place on December 6, from 4:30 pm, at Fundação Oriente, and is open to the general public. On the occasion, an international documentary with testimonials of patients with severe asthma will be shown.

Read the news here.