Sara Guerra
Sara Guerra

Research Group: AgeingC: Ageing Cluster
Thematic Line: 
TL1 – Preventive Medicine & Societal Challenges
University of Aveiro
Research Areas: 
Gerontology, Elderly Support, Psychoeducational Support, Family Carers, Carers of People with Dementia, Dementia

updated on 14/03/2018

Sara Guerra is an integrated researcher of the AgeingC group, Thematic Line 1 – Preventive Health and Societal Challenges of CINTESIS.

She graduated in Gerontology from the University of Aveiro and earned her Doctoral Degree in Gerontology and Geriatrics conjointly from the University of Aveiro and the Abel Salazar Institute of Biomedical Sciences of the University of Porto. She held a Post-Doctoral Fellowship at CINTESIS, within the Department of Education and Psychology of the University of Aveiro (DEP-UA), where she worked as a researcher in the project “Significados afetivos associados ao legado biológico/de saúde em famílias com historial de doença genética neurodegenerativa” (Affective meanings associated with the biological / health legacy in families with a history of neurodegenerative genetic disease).

She was the author and coordinator of the project “proFamílias-demência” (proFamilies-Dementis) and “campus cognitivo” (cognitive campus), which won the “Missão Sorriso” contest. Sara Guerra was also responsible for projects that received awards from the Banco de Inovação Social (BIS)/Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa and from The Foundation Calouste Gulbenkian. She has published several scientific articles and book chapters in the fields like social support to elderly, and psychoeducational support to family and formal carers of persons with dementia. Currently, she works as a Guest Assistant Professor at the Higher School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo (ESE-IPVC), teaching the Graduate Degree in Social Education and Gerontology and the Master in Social Gerontology.