Sara Pinto
Sara Pinto

Research Group:  NursID: Innovation & Development in Nursing
Thematic Line: TL1 – Preventive Medicine & Societal Challenges
Hub: Nursing School of Porto
Research Areas:  Nursing, Palliative Care

updated on 15/03/2018

Sara Maria Oliveira Pinto is an integrated researcher of the NursID group, Thematic Line 1 – Preventive Medicine & Societal Challenges of CINTESIS.

She graduated in Nursing from the Dr. Ângelo da Fonseca Nursing School in 2005, earned her Master Degree in Palliative Care from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP) in 2012, and completed her doctoral studies in Nursing Sciences at the Abel Salazar Institute of Biomedical Sciences in 2017.

Currently, she works as an Assistant Professor and researcher at the Health School of Santa Maria, besides also working as Guest Professor at FMUP. As a researcher integrates the project Por Mais Saúde (For more health), financed by the program Portugal 2020.