About Tech4edusim

Constituted by researchers with clinical and technology backgrounds, Tech4edusim – Technologies for Education and Simulation in Healthcare, is a new group of CINTESIS focus on technology research and development applied to education and quality of health care.
The main objectives of the group are to develop innovative methods and tools, namely, in the field of simulation, and through qualitative and quantitative measurement and assessment of their impact in education, and in knowledge and competence transfer to clinical practice, taking into consideration the specificities of the professionals’ various levels of training. Therefore, the group aims to encourage partnerships with the industry through contacts that promote technology transfer, and develop synergic collaboration with other groups of CINTESIS.
Integrated Members
Non-Doctorate Integrated Members
Abel Filipe Santiago Nicolau
Daniel José Nunes Madureira da Cunha
Inês Isabel Canelas Nunes Jorge
João Luís Frias Rosa
Liliana Celeste Faria da Silva Ribeiro
Liliana Isabel Tavares Rosário
Patrícia Rosa Sousa Alves
Raquel Cristina Barroso Marques da Costa
Ricardo Alexandre Oliveira Salgado