A research group is studying the preferences of the Portuguese on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the fields of health, economics, education, daily life, and inequalities.

Several researchers from CINTESIS – Center for Health Technology and Services Research (João Vasco Santos), the NOVA School of Business Economics, the Knowledge Centre for Health Economics & Management (NHEM) of the NOVA SBE, the Lancaster University, the Faculty of Economy of the University of Porto and the Erasmus Medical Centre participate in the project.

The objective is to know and understand the preferences related to the social impacts of the pandemic and the associated measures, namely with regard to confinement, using an online survey, in order to produce evidence to inform the decision on public policies in Portugal.

Among other issues, participants are asked to choose between two alternatives for hypothetical scenarios presented. These take into account factors such as mortality, drop in income, impaired learning of the school population, and the level of poverty.

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