Anabela Silva
Anabela Silva

Research Group: AgeingC: AgeingCluster
Thematic Line: TL1 – Preventive Health and Societal Challenges
Hub: University of Aveiro
Research Areas: Physiotherapy, Pain, Ambient Assisted Living

updated on 09/03/2018

Anabela Gonçalves da Silva is an integrated member of the AgeingC research group, from CINTESIS, at the University of Aveiro (UA).

She holds a PhD in Physiotherapy from the Leeds Metropolitan University in the UK, a Master Degree in Motor Development Biochemistry from the University of Coimbra, and a Graduate Degree in Physiotherapy from the School of Health Technology in Coimbra.

Anabela Gonçalves da Silva has developed research in different areas such as chronic pain, musculoskeletal diseases and Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), having published several scientific articles and book chapters.

She is currently Assistant Professor at the School of Health of the University of Aveiro (ESSUA), where she is responsible for the Physical Therapy Course (1st and 2nd cycles programmes) and the Specialization Course in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy. She is also a member of the International Association for the Study of Pain and of the Portuguese Association of Physiotherapists.

TITLE: Usability, accessibility and ambient-assisted living: a systematic literature review
AUTHORS: Alexandra Queiros; Anabela Silva ; Joaquim Alvarelhao; Nelson Pacheco Rocha; Antonio Teixeira;

TITLE: Does forward head posture affect postural control in human healthy volunteers?
AUTHORS: Anabela G Silva ; Mark I Johnson;

TITLE: Head Posture and Neck Pain of Chronic Nontraumatic Origin: A Comparison Between Patients and Pain-Free Persons
AUTHORS: Anabela G Silva ; David D PuntPaul SharplesJoao P Vilas Boas ; Mark I Johnson;
SOURCE: 12th World Congress on Pain/International-Association-for-the-Study-of-Pain in ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION, VOLUME: 90, ISSUE: 4, PUBLISHED: 2009

TITLE: Neck muscle endurance and head posture: A comparison between adolescents with and without neck pain
AUTHORS: Ana Carolina OliveiraAnabela G Silva ;

TITLE: Reliability and validity of head posture assessment by observation and a four-category scale
AUTHORS: Anabela G Silva ; David D Punt; Mark I Johnson;

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