Carla Fernandes
Carla Fernandes

Research Group: NursID: Innovation & Development in Nursing
Thematic Line: TL1 – Preventive Medicine & Societal Challenges
Hub: Nursing Shool of Porto
Research Areas: Nursing, Rehabilitation Nursing, Assistance Quality, Family Carers, Educational Games

updated on 12/03/2018

Carla Sílvia Fernandes is an integrated researcher of the NursID group, Thematic Line 1 – Preventive Medicine & Societal Challenges of CINTESIS.

She completed her Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the Nursing School of the University of São Paulo in 2016. Previously, she had earned her Master Degree and in 2014 her Doctoral Degree in Nursing Sciences from the Abel Salazar Institute of Biomedical Sciences. She graduated in Nursing from the Nursing School of Bissaya Barreto and the Nursing School of Santa Maria, and specialized in Rehabilitation Nursing at the Nursing School of Porto (ESEP) passing public examinations for the attribution of the specialist tittle. Since 1996, she has worked as Nurse in several hospitals. She has taught at ESEP, CESPU and at the Nursing School of Santa Maria.

Currently, she works as Assistant Professor at the Fernando Pessoa University. She has authored several scientific articles and three patents (Family Nursing Game, Jogo da Postura (The Game of Posture) and DarVozaosCuidadores (GiveAVoiceToCarers)), and is a reviewer of the journals Referência, Nurse Education Today and Revista Clínica Española.

TITLE: Family caregivers: what do they need? An integrative review
AUTHORS: Carla Silvia Fernandes; Margareth Angelo.

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