Workshop “Scientific Writing and Global Health”

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Rui Amaral Mendes,  investigador do CINTESIS – Centro de Investigação em Tecnologias e Serviços de Saúde, está a organizar, juntamente com Seema Biswas, editora-chefe do BMJ Case Reports, o Workshop Scientific Writing and Global Health, que irá decorrer nos dias 9 e 10 de fevereiro de 2023, na Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto (FMUP).

Destinando-se a todos os estudantes, professores, investigadores e profissionais de saúde interessados, nomeadamente os que trabalham diretamente com populações vulneráveis, em saúde pública, em saúde internacional ou em sociologia, este Workshop irá focar-se em quatro temas: “BMJ (British Medical Journal) Case Reports writing workshop”, “Global Health case reports as advocacy tools”, “Education as a Determinant of Health” e “How to teach Global Health”. Estão previstas oito sessões no âmbito deste Workshop, duas para cada uma das áreas referidas.

No dia 9 de fevereiro, irão decorrer as sessões sobre os temas “BMJ (British Medical Journal) Case Reports writing workshop”“Global Health case reports as advocacy tools” (9h00-11h00; 11h00-13h00; 14h00-16h00; 16h00-18h00). Para o dia 10 de fevereiro, estão agendadas as sessões relativas aos temas “Education as a Determinant of Health” e “How to teach Global Health”, nos mesmos horários (9h00-11h00; 11h00-13h00; 14h00-16h00; 16h00-18h00). As sessões irão decorrer de manhã e de tarde, na sala 1 do Centro de Investigação Médica (CIM) da FMUP.

Além de investigador do CINTESIS@RISE, Rui Amaral Mendes é colaborador docente da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto, além de professor adjunto de Medicina Oral e Maxilofacial na Case Western Reserve University e editor associado do BMJ Case Reports.

Mais informações sobre as inscrições serão disponibilizadas em breve.


Rui Amaral Mendes, a researcher at CINTESIS – Center for Health Technology and Services Research, is organizing, together with Seema Biswas, editor-in-chief of BMJ Case Reports, the Workshop “Scientific Writing and Global Health”, which will take place on 9 and 10 February 2023, at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP).

Aimed at all interested students, teachers, researchers and health professionals, particularly those working directly with vulnerable populations, in public health, in international health or in sociology, this Workshop will focus on four themes: “BMJ (British Medical Journal) Case Reports writing workshop”, “Global Health case reports as advocacy tools”, “Education as a Determinant of Health” and “How to teach Global Health”. Eight sessions are planned for this workshop, two for each of the areas mentioned.

On February 9, sessions on the topics “BMJ (British Medical Journal) Case Reports writing workshop” and “Global Health case reports as advocacy tools” will take place (9am-11am; 11am-1pm; 2pm-4pm; 4pm-6pm). On February 10, sessions on “Education as a Determinant of Health” and “How to teach Global Health” are scheduled at the same times (9am-11am; 11am-1pm; 2pm-4pm; 4pm-6pm). The sessions will take place in the morning and afternoon, in room 1 of the Medical Research Center (CIM) at FMUP.

Besides being a CINTESIS@RISE researcher, Rui Amaral Mendes is a teaching collaborator at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto, as well as an adjunct professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine at Case Western Reserve University and an associate editor of the BMJ Case Reports.

More information about registration will be available soon.

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