A team from CINTESIS – Center for Health Technology and Services Research and the NOVA Medical School is recruiting volunteers aged 18 to 70, living in Lisbon, to participate in a clinical trial. The condition is that they suffer from constipation.

This study is led by Conceição Calhau, a specialist in Nutrition and Metabolism at CINTESIS and sub-director of NOVA Medical School,  and it aims to assess the effect of water consumption on the intestinal function, as well as to evaluate how it influences the intestinal microbiota (microorganisms present in the intestine).

The participants will have to come to the NOVA Medical School (Campo Mártires da Pátria, 130 1169-056 Lisboa) six times to collect anthropometric data (weight and height) and urine and fecal samples, which will be subject to laboratory analysis.

In addition to having the opportunity to learn about their gut microbiota, the volunteers will be able to contribute to increasing knowledge in this area.

“This study will provide information about functional constipation in the general population, and the results of the study will contribute to further developments in the scientific knowledge of this condition,” explain the researchers.

Those interested in participating voluntarily in this study, which is planned to last five weeks, just have to send an email to estudo.aguas@nms.unl.pt.