Joana Reis Pardal, a researcher at CINTESIS – Center for Health Technology and Services Research/Faculty of Medicine at the University of Porto, has won a Fulbright Research Grant with the support of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), in the 2024/2025 edition.

The award was presented in Lisbon at a ceremony attended by Paulo Rangel, the Portuguese Minister for Foreign Affairs .

The researcher, who is currently attending the 3rd year of the Doctoral Program in Clinical and Health Services Research (PDICSS) at FMUP, will be heading to Stanford University.

During her stay at Stanford, Joana Reis Pardal will “work on the development and application of cutting-edge methodologies to assess and improve the validity and transparency of clinical research”.

“The Fulbright program is an academic exchange program of great international reputation and as such I received the news with great joy and enthusiasm,” says Joana Reis Pardal.

The prize-winner hopes “to be able to contribute to health decision-making processes being informed by the best possible scientific evidence, with a view to the efficient allocation of resources and the sustainability of health services”.