CINTESIS@RISE, together with the Nursing School of Porto (ESEP) and the Portuguese Catholic University, is developing a study to assess the levels of mental health literacy in the Portuguese adult population.

This joint work includes an online questionnaire to which all people aged 18 or older living in mainland Portugal or the Autonomous Regions of Madeira or the Azores can respond.

Participants will have to answer several questions about aspects related to mental health, such as what they think about this type of problem and what resources exist to help those affected. The average response time is 10 minutes.

The researchers explain that the data on the Portuguese population’s knowledge of mental health is “insufficient” and believe that “assessing this knowledge (mental health literacy) could help to better define prevention and intervention priorities in this area”.

If you have any questions, please contact CINTESIS@RISE principal investigator Carlos Sequeira or Luísa Campos, a professor at Católica, via their respective email addresses.