Doctoral Programmes

Doctoral Program
in Palliative Care
The Doctoral Program in Palliative Care of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto was first launched in the academic year 2016/2017, filling an important gap in education in response to a national demand.
Directed by Rui Nunes, Full Professor at FMUP and integrated researcher of the Charter Group (Challenges and Strategies in Health Research) at CINTESIS, the PhD course in Palliative Care is addressed, essentially, to medical doctors and health professionals, and its main objective is to convey knowledge, abilities and skills to do research and undertake professional practice in this field.
The program’s quality and relevance is attested by the partnerships established with a number of prestigious higher education and health institutions in Portugal and abroad. Some of these are: Rice University, in Texas, Kent University, in the United Kingdom, St Christopher’s Hospice, in London, the Federal University of São Paulo, the Medicine Council of São Paulo, the IPO of Porto, INFARMED – National Authority of Medicines and Health Products, I.P., the Family Health Unit of São João, and the Nursing School of Coimbra.
Institution: Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto

Doctoral Program
in Bioethics
Created in 2007, the Doctoral Program in Bioethics of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto was the first doctoral programme in this scientific field organised in Portugal and in all of the Portuguese speaking countries.
Directed by Rui Nunes, Full Professor at FMUP and integrated researcher of the Charter Group (Challenges and Strategies in Health Research) at CINTESIS, the Doctoral Programme in Bioethics has more than one hundred students enrolled, especially graduates in Medicine or other Biological & Health Sciences related fields, but also professionals from the fields of Law, Philosophy, Psychology and Economy.
In the framework of the collaboration established with the Federal Medical Council of Brazil (CFM by its acronym in Portuguese), the tutelage body for near half a million doctors, many of the enrolled students come from that country, which contributes to the promotion and consolidation of the relationship between Portugal and Brazil in the Bioethics field.
Among the many projects presented so far, there are for example, works about the application of advance directives of will, the free and informed consent, teenage pregnancy, and access to healthcare technology.
Institution: Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto

Graduate Program in Gerontology and Geriatrics
First edited in the academic year of 2009/2010, the joint Graduate Program in Gerontology and Geriatrics of the Abel Salazar Institute of Biomedical Sciences of the University of Porto and the University of Aveiro meets the needs detected at the level of advanced training in this field.
Under the direction of Constança Paúl, researcher of the Charter Research group at CINTESIS (Challenges and Strategies in Health Research), and Oscar Ribeiro, Principal Investigator of the research group AgeingC, this Ph.D. course aims to train professionals to do research, act in the healthcare policy definition and planning, and intervene directly in the fields of Gerontology and Geriatrics
Along with the many editions this course has had, different contemporary topics have been approached regarding aging, trying to optimize, integrate and update skills in the light of current knowledge. The objective is to provide appropriate answers to the societal challenge raised by demographic aging, including active aging policies and programs and intervention in the elderly.
Institutions: Abel Salazar Institute of Biomedical Sciences of the University of Porto and the University of Aveiro

Doctoral Program in Clinical and Health Services Research
The Doctoral Programme in Clinical and Health Services Research – PDICSS by its acronym in Portuguese, is directed by Altamiro da Costa-Pereira, CINTESIS Coordinator and Full Professor at FMUP. This PhD Program has been in effect for 10 years, focusing on the improvement of scientific evidence to support medical decision and on the assessment of the impact of such decisions on individual and populational health.
The course has received professionals currently developing their research activity in the fields of Clinical Research and/or Health Services Research, and who are graduates in Health Sciences, Mathematics, Engineering, Information Sciences or Economy. The multidisciplinary nature of this program is revealed in the multidisciplinary quality of its teaching staff and students and in the parental bond to CINTESIS, which is an added value for the students of this program and annually feeds CINTESIS with new talent.
Institution: Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto

Doctoral Program in Nursing Sciences of the University of Porto
The Doctoral Program in Nursing Sciences results from the partnership established between the Abel Salazar Institute of Biomedical Sciences of the University of Porto (IBCAS – UP) and the Nursing School of Porto (ESEP by its Portuguese acronym); and it was created in 2009 with the objective of promoting the development of skills in the field of Nursing Sciences, and reinforcing the role of nurses within multidisciplinary health teams, building bridges among care practices, research, and teaching.
The Doctoral Program is coordinated by Corália Vicente, Full Professor at ICBAS and senior researcher of CINTESIS working at the Charter Group (Challenges and Strategies in Health Research). The course has the participation of several members of this R&D Unit coming from different educational institutions, supporting the declared and renewed purpose of promoting communication among peers, with other scholar communities and with society.
In the academic year 2016/2017, there were near 100 students enrolled in this PhD program and several projects and dissertations have been completed in topics like approaches to pressure ulcers, patient’s safety culture, and nurses’ rotating shifts in Portugal.
Institution: Abel Salazar Institute of Biomedical Sciences of the University of Porto