
CINTESIS Latest News

SIC // DGS Data on Covid-19 Indicate That There Are Dead People Who Are No Longer Dead, Three Men Who Died and Were Pregnant and a Patient Who Died at 134?

By |November 17, 2020|Categories: EN|

DGS data on Covid-19 indicate that there are dead people who are no longer dead, that three men died while being pregnant, and that a patient died at 134? It sounds like a joke, but [...]

Express // Confinement at the Origin of Legionella Outbreaks

By |November 16, 2020|Categories: EN|

Legionella is the central theme of the interview given by Acácio Rodrigues, a researcher at CINTESIS - Center for Health Technology and Services Research and professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of [...]

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