
CINTESIS Latest News

Público // “Pregnant” and Sick Men Aged 134 in Portugal Covid-19 Data

By |November 9, 2020|Categories: EN|

A study by CINTESIS - Center for Health Technology and Services Research and the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP) has detected a number of problems in the epidemiological surveillance data of [...]

Maria Manuela Martins: “I want to continue doing research and be happy”

By |November 9, 2020|Categories: EN|

At the age of 64, Maria Manuela Martins is an essential reference in Portuguese Nursing, particularly in research and teaching, areas that she passionately dedicates herself to at CINTESIS and at the Nursing School of [...]

LUSA // Covid-19. Family Doctors Say Inequalities in Access to Health Have Increased

By |November 7, 2020|Categories: EN|

Family doctors consider that the Covid-19 pandemic has increased difficulties in accessing health care, especially in some groups, such as the elderly. These are results already known from an international study coordinated by a researcher [...]

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