
CINTESIS Latest News

Electoral Commission Announces Annulment of CINTESIS Scientific Coordination Election Process

By |January 17, 2024|Categories: EN|

The election process for the Scientific Coordinator of CINTESIS - Center for Health Technology and Services Research, which was due to take place on January 17, 2024, has been annulled. The decision was announced in [...]

Liliana Mota Awarded Research Prize by the Order of Nurses

By |December 10, 2023|Categories: EN|

Liliana Mota, a researcher at CINTESIS@RISE and a professor at the Escola Superior de Saúde Norte da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa (Portuguese Red Cross Northern School of Health), won the Research Prize of the Order of Nurses [...]

Tiago Taveira Gomes: “I’ve always seen health as a huge opportunity for improvement”

By |December 10, 2023|Categories: EN|

Tiago Taveira Gomes was born in Porto 35 years ago. He is an integrated researcher at CINTESIS - Center for Health Technology and Services Research, in the AI4Health - Artificial Intelligence in Health group, at [...]

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