CINTESIS Latest News
Público // “Dementia, elections and the vote that needs no patronising”
CINTESIS researcher Pedro Machado do Santos wrote an opinion piece entitled "Dementia, elections and the vote that needs no patronising". The article was published in the Público on March 9. Read more. (in Portuguese)
New RISE-Health Research Unit Registers Over 1300 Researchers
On March 6, the new RISE-Health Research Unit completed the team registration stage. Proving that "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts", RISE-Health registered a final number of integrated researchers greater than [...]
Study by CINTESIS Researcher Shows Most Patients Prefer to Die at Home
"Most patients at the end of their lives prefer to receive their last care and die at home, with their families, with greater autonomy and dignity. Most of the patients' relatives prefer this too." This [...]