
CINTESIS Latest News

“The importance of Clinical Research in Scientific Development” will be debated at the Science 2023 Meeting

By |July 3, 2023|Categories: EN|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Researchers from CINTESIS/Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP) and the Associate Laboratory RISE will be at the Ciência 2023 Meeting, which will take place at the University Campus of Santiago, in Aveiro, [...]

Expresso // Caregivers Also Need Care: Online Program Brings “Confidence” and “Peace of Mind” to Caregivers of People with Dementia

By |June 26, 2023|Categories: EN|

iSupport-Portugal, a program developed in partnership with CINTESIS, is featured in the Expresso. Soraia Teles de Sousa, a member of the AgeingC research group, explains how this program works. iSupport-Portugal is designed for the informal [...]

LUSA // Portugal with the Highest Prevalence of Heart Failure in Adults Among 11 Countries

By |June 20, 2023|Categories: EN|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Portugal has the highest prevalence (2.9%) of heart failure in 11 countries included in the CardioRenal and Metabolic disease (CaReMe) Heart Failure study (Germany, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Norway, United Kingdom, Sweden, Switzerland, Canada, and [...]

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