CINTESIS Latest News
Older Women Are More Willing to Reduce Number of Daily Medications
The study was carried out by researchers from CINTESIS/University of Aveiro. A group of researchers from CINTESIS/University of Aveiro revealed that the vast majority of older people who are polymedicated - taking five or more medications [...]
João Tavares: “It is essential to strengthen the knowledge and skills of professionals who provide care to older people”
João Tavares has been an integrated researcher of the AgeingC research group, at CINTESIS, at the University of Aveiro, since 2020, after several years as a collaborator in this Unit. At the age of 41, [...]
Study Identifies Biomarkers of Pain in Dementia Patients
Discovery may contribute to better pain management A study with the participation of CINTESIS/Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP) has identified nine pain biomarkers through blood tests. The discovery, reported by Agência LUSA, [...]