
CINTESIS Latest News

Older Women Are More Willing to Reduce Number of Daily Medications

By |July 27, 2023|Categories: EN|Tags: , , , , , , |

The study was carried out by researchers from CINTESIS/University of Aveiro. A group of researchers from CINTESIS/University of Aveiro revealed that the vast majority of older people who are polymedicated - taking five or more medications [...]

João Tavares: “It is essential to strengthen the knowledge and skills of professionals who provide care to older people”

By |July 25, 2023|Categories: EN|

João Tavares has been an integrated researcher of the AgeingC research group, at CINTESIS, at the University of Aveiro, since 2020, after several years as a collaborator in this Unit. At the age of 41, [...]

Study Identifies Biomarkers of Pain in Dementia Patients

By |July 19, 2023|Categories: EN|Tags: , , , , , |

Discovery may contribute to better pain management A study with the participation of CINTESIS/Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP) has identified nine pain biomarkers through blood tests. The discovery, reported by Agência LUSA, [...]

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