CINTESIS Latest News
CINTESIS Supports VI International Nursing Care Meeting
The 6th International Nursing Care Meeting: Digital Health and the Evolution of Nursing will be held on November 20 and 21 in Rouen, France, with the support of CINTESIS - Center for Health Technology and [...]
Bárbara Caetano da Mota: A Young Scientist Fascinated by the Human Body
Bárbara Caetano da Mota is the researcher at CINTESIS - Center for Health Technology and Services Research who has been in the news for winning the Pepe Scholarship, awarded by the former Portuguese national soccer team [...]
CINTESIS Leads COST Action on Climate Change and Mental Health
Understanding how climate change affects mental health at European level is one of the objectives of a new COST Action that has more than 600,000 euros in European funding. Led and managed by researchers from [...]