
CINTESIS Latest News

Program Improves Skills of Children with Autism Spectrum or Language Disorders

By |February 20, 2023|Categories: EN|

These children have difficulty looking in the eye, asking for something or negotiating, identifying or expressing emotions, understanding humor or irony, or understanding common idioms (such as "I did it with one leg on my [...]

LUSA // Women Victims of Domestic Violence Have More Health Problems

By |February 17, 2023|Categories: EN|

Women who are victims of violence in intimate relationships (one form of domestic violence) by current or former partners have more health risk behaviors and health problems, including mental health disorders, diabetes, acute myocardial infarction, [...]

High and Very High Cardiovascular Risk Patients Don’t Have “Bad” Cholesterol Controlled

By |February 15, 2023|Categories: EN|

A study developed by researchers from CINTESIS/Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP), on the initiative of the Portuguese Atherosclerosis Society (SPA) and Novartis, has identified a significant percentage of patients at high [...]

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