CINTESIS Latest News
CINTESIS to Participate Again in the Exhibition of the University of Porto
CINTESIS will be present at the 20th Exhibition of the University of Porto, which will take place from 20 to 23 April at the Pavilhão Multiusos of Gondomar. Throughout four days, CINTESIS, which is a [...]
CINTESIS Researcher President of the SPODOM
Carlos Vaz, a researcher at CINTESIS and professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP), is the new president of the Portuguese Society of Osteoporosis and Metabolic Bone Diseases (SPODOM), a [...]
CINTESIS Takes Part in a Project on Socio-Spatial Inequalities in Dementia
CINTESIS is participating in the SINDIA project, which aims to "understand how socio-spatial inequalities affect people living with dementia and their informal carers". Oscar Ribeiro and Liliana Sousa are the two researchers from CINTESIS/University of [...]