CINTESIS Latest News
LUSA // Cannabis Use May Alter Female Sexual Response, Study Finds
"We have demonstrated how the deregulation of the endocannabinoid system, caused by cannabis consumption, interferes with neuronal circuits and alters female sexual behaviour. These side effects of THC are modulated by the endocrine system", indicates [...]
National Health Forum: “We want to contribute with concrete proposals for a structural reform of the health system”.
The National Health Forum will take place on April 21 at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP). The event is organized by CINTESIS, FMUP and the Fórum Nacional da Saúde (National Health [...]
LUSA // Study Reveals that Many Pharmacists Fail to Report Adverse Drug Reactions
A study by researchers from CINTESIS and the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP) shows that "more than half of community pharmacists are not in the habit of reporting adverse drug reactions [...]