
CINTESIS Latest News

Anabela Silva: A Researcher in Search of Innovative Intervention Strategies for Chronic Pain and Elderly People

By |October 31, 2022|Categories: EN|

Anabela Silva is a researcher of the AgeingC group of CINTESIS at the University of Aveiro (UA) who develops projects and studies mainly in the areas of pain, technologies and elderly people. She was born [...]

Experts Advocate Investment to Promote Mental Health Literacy

By |October 26, 2022|Categories: EN|

"Mental Health Literacy: How to obtain and maintain positive mental health" is the title of this month's editorial in "Frontiers in Psychology", authored by researchers from CINTESIS - Center for Health Technology and Services Research. [...]

CINTESIS Researchers Create International Student Chapter within the Gerontological Society of America

By |October 18, 2022|Categories: EN|

Researchers from CINTESIS - Center for Health Technology and Services Research / the University of Aveiro are promoting the first international group of students from the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) formed outside the USA. [...]

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