
CINTESIS Latest News

Maria José Lumini “I want my research to impact the community”

By |September 8, 2022|Categories: EN|

Maria José Lumini is a researcher at CINTESIS  - Center for Health Technology and Services Research / Nursing School of Porto (ESEP) since the beginning, integrating the group NursID - Innovation and Development in Nursing, [...]

“A National Chlamydia Screening Program in Portugal is urgently needed”

By |September 1, 2022|Categories: EN|

Researchers from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP)/CINTESIS - Center for Health Technology and Services Research defend the implementation of a "National Chlamydia Screening Program" in Portugal, including new methods of [...]

Post-graduation in “Design of Health Technologies” brings together University of Porto and Fraunhofer-AICOS

By |August 29, 2022|Categories: EN|

The second phase of applications for the post-graduation course “Design de Tecnologias para a Saúde” (Design of Technologies for Health), in a partnership between the University of Porto (FBAUP, FMUP, FEUP, UPTEC) and Fraunhofer-AICOS, is [...]

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