
CINTESIS Latest News

Study Links Screen Exposure to Poorer Language Development

By |May 23, 2024|Categories: EN|Tags: , , , |

“The time we spend using digital devices can compromise language development,” is the conclusion of a study carried out by researchers from CINTESIS - Center for Health Technology and Services Research / School of Health [...]

RISE-Health Confirmed as the Largest Research Unit in the Country

By |May 21, 2024|Categories: EN|Tags: , , , |

RISE-Health is the largest research unit in the country. This is confirmed by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), which has just released the list of applications accepted for evaluation in the context [...]

CINTESIS Supports the II International Congress “The Child in the World Today and Tomorrow!”

By |May 19, 2024|Categories: EN|Tags: , , , |

CINTESIS - Center for Health Technology and Services Research supports the II International Congress "The Child in the World Today and Tomorrow!", which will take place on May 27 and 28, 2024, at the School [...]

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