
CINTESIS Latest News

Epi-Asthma, a Study with the Participation of CINTESIS, Indicates a 7.1% Prevalence of Asthma in Adults

By |May 15, 2024|Categories: EN|Tags: , , |

Nearly six hundred thousand adults suffer from asthma in Portugal and seven out of ten do not have the disease under control. These are some of the main conclusions of the Epi-Asthma study, implemented by [...]

CINTESIS Supports Seminar “Person-Centered Medicine – From Concept to Clinical Practice”

By |May 13, 2024|Categories: EN|Tags: , , |

CINTESIS is supporting the thematic seminar “Person-Centered Medicine - From Concept to Clinical Practice”, which will take place on May 13, from 18h00 to 20h00, at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto [...]

NursID Congress Brought Together Over 400 Participants

By |May 10, 2024|Categories: EN|Tags: , , , |

The International Nursing Research Congress (NursID), organized by the Nursing School of Porto, in partnership with CINTESIS, took place on May 6 and 7, with more than 400 participants. The two days were dedicated to [...]

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