
CINTESIS Latest News

Researchers Examine Link Between Genetics, Vitamin D and the Severity of COVID-19

By |May 18, 2021|Categories: EN|

A new study involving researchers from CINTESIS - Centre for Health Technologies and Services Research links genetic predisposition to vitamin D deficiency to the occurrence of more severe cases of COVID-19. According to this work, [...]

LUSA // Family Caregivers of Patients with Kidney Disease on Dialysis Feel Overwhelmed, Study Reveals

By |May 17, 2021|Categories: EN|

Researchers from the Center for Health Technologies and Services Research (CINTESIS) / the University of Aveiro have concluded that caregivers of patients with renal disease on hemodialysis feel more overwhelmed and have greater difficulty in [...]

Family Caregivers of Patients with Kidney Disease on Dialysis Suffer Most During the Pandemic

By |May 17, 2021|Categories: EN|

Family caregivers of patients with renal disease on hemodialysis report increased emotional distress during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly during confinement. A study coordinated by Daniela Figueiredo, a researcher at CINTESIS - Center for Health Technologies [...]

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