
CINTESIS Latest News

Expresso // Different Formulas Can Generate More Antibodies

By |May 14, 2021|Categories: EN|

Mixing vaccines may give even more protection against SARS-CoV-2 and consequently, against COVID-19. At least that's what a new study argues. Speaking to the Expresso newspaper, Luís Delgado, a researcher from CINTESIS - Center for [...]

Portuguese Are Wrong in Their Perceptions About Their Lifestyles

By |May 12, 2021|Categories: EN|

Most Portuguese misperceive their own behaviors and lifestyles, namely regarding their diet, physical activity, and alcohol consumption, which they believe are healthier than they really are. According to a study by the Faculty of Medicine [...]

Público // Nurses Are Not “Heroes”; They Are Skilled Professionals

By |May 12, 2021|Categories: EN|

Francisco Sampaio argues that "in the 21st century, Nursing is essentially a profession and a discipline of knowledge". The CINTESIS researcher wrote an opinion article in the newspaper Público, in which he exposes the feelings [...]

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