Master Courses

Master in Medical-Surgical Nursing
The Master Course in Medical-Surgical Nursing (MEMC in Portuguese) of the Nursing School of Porto (ESEP by its Portuguese acronym) is a 2nd Cycle course aiming to consolidate a culture of advanced professional help to persons in a critical state, elderly, chronic patients, dependent persons, or persons in the end of life.
Under the coordination of Célia Santos, Doctor in Health Psychology, professor at the Nursing School of Porto and researcher of the NursID group of CINTESIS, the course syllabus includes several components, from epistemology and ethics, to evidence-based clinical practice, and research in Nursing.
During the course of two years, the students increase their skills in the management of vulnerable cases and in the coordination of teams, while consolidating the key competence of applying knowledge to the decision-making process according to the best scientific evidence available.
Institution: Nursing School of Porto

Master in Child Health and Paediatric Nursing
The Master in Child Health and Paediatric Nursing (MESIP in Portuguese) is taught at the Nursing School of Porto. It aims to train nurses for delivering specialized health services in the early ages of life, focused on scientific, technical, ethical, cultural and research aspects.
Under the Coordination of Margarida Reis Pinto, Doctor in Nursing Sciences and researcher of the NursID group, at CINTESIS, the course seeks to integrate the knowledge produced in the context of specialized practice in child health and paediatric nursing, promoting critical awareness and a systematic and creative approach to the most complex issues arising from Nursing care services delivered to children/teenagers and their family.
Institution: Nursing School of Porto

Master in Direction and Management of Nursing Services
Maria Manuela Martins, Doctor in Nursing Sciences and researcher of the NursID group (CINTESIS), is the Coordinating Professor of the Master in Direction and Management of Nursing Services (MDCSE in Portuguese), taught at the Nursing School of Porto (ESEP).
This course aims to provide Nurses with the skills for them to play an active role in the management of health services, reinforcing the importance of the potentialities of these professionals’ participation in the strategic planning and in the development of healthcare organizations.
The work program approaches topics from Healthcare Economy and Finances to aspects related to Quality, including as a core component Nursing research, a field in rapid growth that benefits from the relationship with an R&D Unit like CINTESIS.
Institution: Nursing School of Porto

Master in Clinical Supervision in Nursing
The Master in Clinical Supervision in Nursing is taught at the Nursing School of Porto (ESEP), and is coordinated by Manuela Teixeira, Doctor in Nursing Sciences and researcher of the NursID group at CINTESIS.
Supervision is considered an “essential tool for professional development”, and an admittedly important skill for nurses involved in the most diverse activities, such as care practice, units and institutions management, teaching, among others.
Additionally, supervision is understood as being strategic for the promotion of quality in professional practice and of proper healthcare services delivered to the citizens, constituting an added-value for Nursing practice and development.
Institution: Nursing School of Porto

Master in Health Psychology and Neuropsychological Rehabilitation
The Master in Master in Health Psychology and Neuropsychological Rehabilitation of the University of Aveiro aims to train specialists in Psychology, providing them the knowledge and the competences ion this field.
Coordinated by Anabela Sousa Pereira, professor and collaborator of the AgeingC group of CINTESIS, this course differs from others because of its “actual interdisciplinarity, solid theoretical preparation, and laboratory and field research”, added-values that provide the students with exceptional competences for assessment, intervention and research.
The course is under the responsibility of the Department of Education and Psychology of the University of Aveiro, and benefits from the fact that its teaching staff is integrated in a research unit like CINTESIS, a collaboration that has proven to be fruitful.
Institution: Univeristy of Aveiro

Master in Healthcare Information Systems Management
The Master in Healthcare Information Systems Management (MGSIM in Portuguese) results from a partnership between the School of Technology and Management (ESTG in Portuguese) of the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (IPL) and the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP), whose academic degree is co-granted by the IPL and the U.Porto.
The course is taught by experienced and renowned professors of the area, and is coordinated by Rui Pedro Charters Lopes Rijo, researcher of the In4Heatlh group at CINTESIS.
The course focuses on the application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to healthcare organisations, the appropriate use of clinical decision support systems, the processing of biomedical imaging, the use of technical and data security tools, and the sound knowledge and command of the electronic clinical process, among other topics.
Institution: Polytechnic Institute of Leiria

Master in Gerontology
The main objectives of the Master in Gerontology of the University of Aveiro are to offer sound and comprehensive training, and to develop knowledge at the research level and in terms of professional practice in the field of Gerontology.
Maria da Piedade Moreira Brandão, professor of the School of Health of the University of Aveiro (ESSUA in Portuguese) and researcher of the AgeingC group at CINTESIS, is the coordinator of this course that is supported by this R&D Unit.
Institution: University of Aveiro

Master Programme in Medical Informatics (MIM)
The Master Programme in Medical Informatics (MIM) of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto aims to provide training in the field of Medical Informatics to Health, Informatics and Computer Sciences professionals, among others.
The course is directed by José Alberto Freitas, researcher of the In4health group of CINTESIS, and many other elements of the scientific commission and teaching staff of this course are also researchers at CINTESIS.
Some of the fields approached in this 2nd cycle of studies are electronic clinical records, diagnosis and procedures coding and classification systems, signal and imaging processing, electronic communications, decision support systems, implementation and evaluation of information technologies and systems (ICT)
Since its first edition in 2007, several theses have been submitted and many papers published in international journals. In addition, a Series of Lectures with renowened specialists and a Symposium on Medical Informatics is organised every year to promote the discussion of scientific work developed in the context of this Master course.
Institution: Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto

Master Programme in Health Evidence and Decision
The 2nd Cycle of Studies in Health Evidence and Decision aims to develop knowledge and skills in that field by approaching the most recent methodological and scientific advancements in the areas of Health Technology Assessment, Health Services Research and Clinical Research.
The course is coordinated by Mário Dinis Ribeiro, Guest Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto and Principal Investigator of the iGO research group, at CINTESIS. Several other researchers of CINTESIS participate in the course as part of the organization and teaching staff. Among them is coordinator of the R&D Unit, Altamiro da Costa Pereira.
Since 2008, many theses have been developed and presented, covering diverse topics such as quality of life in patients with chronic pain, side effects of medication or asthma prevalence, among many other health topics.
Institution: Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto

Master in
Palliative Care
The Master in Palliative Care of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto aims to train professionals of the field, teaching competences and skills for the development of a solid and accurate investigation.
Since the first edition of this 2nd Cycle of Studies, more than a hundred projects on palliative care have been developed and many students continue to enrol in this course each year.
Coordinated by Rui Nunes, researcher of the Charter group of CINTESIS, the Master in Palliative Care is taught partly by several researchers of this R&D Unit.
Institution: Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto