Project Description
Audit + : CHBV artificial intelligence engine and business intelligence system
Audit + is a project focused on an artificial intelligence engine and business intelligence system of the Hospital Center of Baixo Vouga (HCBV), leader of the project, in partnership with the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP) and CINTESIS.
a) Ensure traceability in accordance with the law (i.e. audit trail1);
b) Protect the CHBV’s application ecosystem against external attacks on its systems2 and violations of the privacy of its users;
c) Ensure compliance with the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR);
d) Have a proactive tool that allows the detection and reporting of any data breaches that occur, to comply with the requirements of the GDPR;
e) New medical knowledge from unknown correlations before the implementation of the AI engine;
f) Facilitate access for users to their data with high performance and security technology3;
g) Increased financial return (or cost reduction) relevant to the hospital or cost reduction, provided that they are carried out in strict compliance with the law:
i) Monitoring the program contract in its different production lines, at global, departmental, and service levels;
ii) Programming monthly production for a period of 12 months;
iii) Calculation of deviations from actual production compared to the programmed;
iv) Development of scenarios to support the decision, taking into account: Human Resources, allocation of hours per task, mobile holidays, vacations, casualties, strikes, performance of information systems, use of physical resources.
v) Calculation of costs associated with the type of most representative acts of the Program Contract: Episode of EC, Urgency, Day Hospital, Internment, and Outpatient Surgery.
vi) These costs must be calculated at the institution, department, and service level, and can then evolve into the specialty and subspecialty.
vii) Discover relationships between production and waiting lists (for example, between the 1st consultation and the surgical waiting list, as well as the response times until the proposed surgery is performed)
viii) Predict the production needs for a certain period of time (example, prosthesis review, and replacement of medical devices, this based on the history of medical care performed in the 3 hospital units that integrate the CHBV, EPE).
ix) Parameterize weekly alerts, whenever the risk of non-compliance with the objectives, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and annual are at risk, these alerts for the different levels of management and production lines.
x) Sending a biweekly summary of the evolution of global departmental and service production.
Funding Institution
POCI – FSE no âmbito do SATDAP-Capacitação da Administração Pública
Global Budget
299,800.00 €
42,375.88 €
From 01/01/2020 to 31/12/2021 (24 months)
CINTESIS Researchers Involved
Ricardo Correia, Pedro Rodrigues, Pedro Marques
Hospital Center of Baixo Vouga (HCBV), leader of the project, in partnership with the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP)