Project Description


The Doctoral Program in Clinical and Health Services Research (known as PDICSS) is financially supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and the Operational Program Norte 2020 (N2020), with a total of 297 thousand euros that were used for the opening of 16 PhD studenships (12 funded by FCT and 4 funded by NORTE 2020) which allow the students to be exclusively dedicated to their research work.

Joining professionals who develop activities in the area of Clinical Research and/or Health Services Research; graduates/masters in Health Sciences, Mathematics, Engineering, Information Sciences or Economics, this program stands out thanks to the multidisciplinarity of professors and students and because of the parental bond to CINTESIS, which is an added value for the students of this program and annually feeds CINTESIS with new talent.


The PhD program in clinical and health services research is a unique program in Portugal and it aims to fill an important existing gap in our country. When it was created, more than five years ago, it was intended to respond to the needs and demands increasingly felt and expressed by the community, and in particular the healthcare professionals, regarding high quality educational offers and research training opportunities in clinical research and in health services research. The community was increasingly demanding a structured advanced education and research program that could prepare healthcare and other professionals for the challenges imposed by evidence based practices, the rapid changes in healthcare systems and technologies, health technology assessments and comparative effectiveness evaluations, health systems deficiencies and inequalities and the urge to use and develop tools that could effectively support and improve healthcare and medical decision-making.

Funding Institution

FCT and NORTE2020

Global Budget

297,000.00 €


297,000.00 €

CINTESIS researchers involved

Altamiro Manuel Rodrigues da Costa Pereira (PI), Armando Rogério Martins Teixeira-Pinto, Jorge Manuel Silva Junqueira Polónia, Ricardo João Cruz Correia, Mário Jorge Dinis Ribeiro, Luís Filipe Ribeiro de Azevedo, Sérgio Manuel Moreira Sampaio, André Miguel Afonso de Sousa Moreira, Cristina Maria Nogueira da Costa Santos, João Almeida Lopes Fonseca

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