The Precision Medicine in Oncology Forum will take place on November 30 in the Auditorium of the Centre for Medical Investigation of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP).

This initiative is part of the Invited Chair for Innovation in Oncology at FMUP, coordinated by Nuno Vale, a researcher at CINTESIS@RISE and professor at this Faculty.

Four major themes will be under discussion: Accuracy Diagnostics and Therapies, Organizations and Strategies in Portugal, Translational Research in Oncology, Artificial Intelligence and Digital Health. Experts from health institutions, research units, teaching institutions and companies in the pharmaceutical and technological fields will participate to explore “issues and challenges inherent to the implementation of Precision Medicine in Oncology”.

The opening ceremony is scheduled for 9h10 and will have the participation of Nuno Vale and Fernando Schmitt, professor at FMUP, a researcher at CINTESIS and the Director of the Associate Laboratory RISE.

The first panel, moderated by Rui Ivo (Chairman of the Board of INFARMED), will include Xavier Barreto (Chairman of the Portuguese Association of Hospital Administrators) and Astrid Vicente (Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge. Rui Henrique (IPO-Porto) will moderate the next panel, on the topic of translational research, with the interventions of Carla Oliveira and André Albergaria (i3S-FMUP) and Júlio Oliveira (director of the Early Phase Clinical Trials Unit and chairman of the Board of Directors of the IPO-Porto).

Starting at 14h00, Fernando Osório from the University Hospital Center of São João (UHCSJ), Jacobo Muñoz (medical director of Janssen Pharmaceutical, Paula Sampaio (iLoF) and Fernando Schmitt (CINTESIS/RISE) will debate precision diagnostics and therapies, moderated by Miguel Barbosa (UHCSJ).

The last panel will be dedicated to Artificial Intelligence and Digital Health with Pedro Pereira Rodrigues (FMUP) as moderator and Ana Raimundo (CUF), José Pereira Leal (Ophiomics), Filipa Fixe (Glintt), and António Murta (Pathena) as speakers.

The director of FMUP, Altamiro da Costa Pereira, will close the works, together with José Dinis (DGS), João Fonseca (FMUP) and Nuno Vale (FMUP).

Registration is free, but mandatory, and is available until November 28. You can register and consult the complete program of the Forum here.