Bias Adjustment in Meta-Analyses Using Empirical A Priori Distributions: Feasibility, Validity and Reliability (B-FREE – BiasFREEvidence) Abstract Appropriate and efficient decisions about the introduction and reimbursement of health technologies are critical for the sustainability of healthcare systems. Health technology assessment (HTA) is a multidisciplinary process and is widely used to inform decisions about the adequate use of technologies. [...]
HfPT - Health from Portugal Abstract The HfPT agenda aims to position Portugal as a world reference hub in designing, developing, and producing advanced solutions for the health markets based on innovation and technology. HfPT will focus on four areas: (i) developing smart health solutions aimed at the digital medtech segment; (ii) creating an intelligent national repository [...]
QUANTUM - Quality, Utility and Maturity Measured; Developing a Data Quality and Utility Label for HealthData@EU Abstract Data users (i.e., researchers, innovators, regulation agencies and policy-makers) need high-quality data. In HealthData@EU, data holders are expected to make their datasets available for secondary use, providing a notion of their quality and utility and the maturity of their [...]
BEST- - Burden of disease-based methods for estimating the socio-economic cost of environmental stressors Abstract The outdoor environment has a significant impact on our health and well-being. The European Green Deal has introduced the ambitious commitment to a ‘Zero-Pollution Action Plan for air, water, and soil’ to protect humans and the environment. Evidence-based policy making on [...]
Brain Behavior analysis using the most advanced Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision - BBAI With funding from Portugal 2020, the BBAI project - Brain Behavior analysis using the most advanced Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision aims at research and innovation in the development of artificial intelligence algorithms capable of identifying, through visual computing, physiological and psychological [...]
FoodFriend - Autonomous and easy-to-use tool for monitoring of personal food intake and personalized feedback The FoodFriend project, developed by a European consortium with the participation of CINTESIS, consists of hardware in the form of sensors, and software, in the form of an application and/or web portal that will allow the automatic monitoring of an individual's [...]
DC Matters - Combination of dendritic cell vaccine with immune checkpoint inhibitors as first-line therapy in patients with solid malignancies The DC Matters project - Combination of dendritic cell vaccine with immune checkpoint inhibitors as first-line therapy in patients with solid malignancies, implemented by a multidisciplinary consortium comprising clinicians, researchers with different expertise and a biotechnology company, [...]
Secur-e-health - Privacy-preserving cross-organizational data analysis in the healthcare sector The Secur-e-health - Privacy-preserving cross-organizational data analysis in the healthcare sector project is funded by the program Portugal 2020 and it aims at providing a roadmap for a fast, safe, and efficient digital transformation of the healthcare sector. Abstract Analyzing data in segregated federations requires a new approach [...]

ConectAR - Collaborative Network: patient and public engagement to advance respiratory disease and digital health research The ConnectAR project aims to develop a sustainable network to promote the involvement of people with chronic respiratory diseases (CRD) and caregivers at all stages of the health research cycle. Abstract Patients and the general public bring a unique perspective to [...]
The IMAGE project - Individualized gastric adenocarcinoma early diagnosis and improved patients' survival: from liquid biopsies to a comprehensive management approach mobilizes teams from CINTESIS - Center for Health Technology and Services Research and UnIC - Cardiovascular Research and Development Unit to develop tools aimed at improving screening, early diagnosis and monitoring of gastric cancer patients. Abstract [...]