CanCOG - Reabilitação Cognitiva no Cancro Abstract The project CanCOG – Reabilitação Cognitiva no Cancro (Cognitive Rehabilitation in Cancer) aims to provide a digital cognitive rehabilitation platform specifically for cancer survivors to improve cognitive skills. The intervention is the result of the cultural adaptation of a program developed at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), in [...]
SexHealth & ProstateCancer - Psychobiological Determinants of Sexual Health in Men with Prostate Cancer Abstract The current research project integrates the priority domain of Health and Life Sciences, Human Resources and Specialized Services, with a special focus on Technology for Quality of Life, of the national R&I strategy for intelligent specialization (RIS3) for both Portugal and for [...]
HEALTH-UNORTE HEALTH-UNORTE: Setting-up biobanks and regenerative medicine strategies to boost research in cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, neurological, oncological, immunological and infectious diseases Abstract The three universities that constitute the UNorte (UMinho, UPorto and UTAD) got together to collaborate on a proposal to uphold health investigation by sharing methodologies that enhance incremental and disruptive research in the North region of [...]
PoliUniBus PoliUniBus - Policy & Challenge University Business Collaboration Platform Abstract The PoliUniBus project builds upon the the expertise already established UniBUS project, PoliUniBus proposes the conception of a collaborative cloud based platform that implements a new challenge-led methodology to support higher education institutions to link with businesses across the Europe. The PoliUniBUS platform will support [...]
MOAI LABS: Collective Intelligence and Social and Health Technology Laboratories to combat the isolation and loneliness of the elderly Project's Description MOAI LABS is a project financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), under the Interreg Sudoe program. Through the creation of an innovative methodology, the "living labs", we will seek to study the [...]
Adherence to hypertension treatment and blood pressure self-monitoring using embedded smartphone camera and advanced image processing CINTESIS, in collaboration with MEDIDA, proposed Inspirers-HTN, a multiplatform and multi-language mobile application to support the monitoring of hypertension. The application will allow the registration of pharmacological treatment and the customization of alerts for the patient to take the medication [...]

iHIPI: Hyperinflammation and Immune Profile of Patients with COVID-19 at the Hospital Center of Vila Nova de Gaia / Espinho Abstract The project “iHIPI: Hyperinflammation and immunological profile of patients with COVID-19 at Centro Hospitalar de Vila Gaia / Espinho”, coordinated by Matilde Monteiro-Soares (FMUP / CINTESIS), aims to understand the mechanisms of immunity of patients [...]

SMART-HEALTH-4-ALL - Smart medical technologies for better health and care Abstract The SMART-HEALTH-4-ALL project aims to boost, in Portugal, an ecosystem dedicated to the research and development, production, commercialization, and dissemination of medical Smart Health technologies (including medical devices and digital health solutions), based on information, communication, and electronics technologies (TICE) and future and emerging technologies [...]

cLabel+: Innovative Natural, Nutritious and Consumer Oriented "Clean Label" Foods Abstract The cLabel + project: Innovative natural, nutritious, and consumer-oriented "clean label" foods is a project promoted by a consortium led by Sumol + Compal, bringing together a total of 20 entities, including companies (8) and non-corporate entities from the R&I (12), with the general objective [...]

INNO4HEALTH-Stimulate Continuous Monitoring in personal and physical health Abstract INNO4HEALTH aims to stimulate innovation in the continuous monitoring of the clinical and physical condition and to face challenges in the fields of health and sport. In health, continuous monitoring of clinical and physical condition will provide information to patients and their healthcare professionals about the readiness [...]