
iSupport-Portugal for those who care in dementia iSupport is a new support and training program for informal caregivers of people with dementia, made available over the internet. It was developed in 2017 by the World Health Organization (WHO), and this organization granted an exclusive license to the Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar of the University [...]


DyNaVoiceR With funding from FCT, the DyNaVoiceR project - Reconstruction of dysphonic voice to natural voice focuses on advanced technology allowing to help patients affected by vocal dysphonia, mainly temporary or permanent aphonia, to communicate effectively and comfortably. Our vision is that assistive technology captures the dysphonic voice through a microphone and reconstructs natural voice, in [...]


AUDIT + Audit + : CHBV artificial intelligence engine and business intelligence system Audit + is a project focused on an artificial intelligence engine and business intelligence system of the Hospital Center of Baixo Vouga (HCBV), leader of the project, in partnership with the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP) and CINTESIS. [...]


eHealth4all@EU eHealth4all@EU - Interprofessional European eHealth Programme in Higher Education Abstract eHealth is a priority for European member states as technology can encourage preventative health, help citizens manage their health and social care needs and reduce the cost and utilisation of healthcare. While progress has been made, a number of barriers exist. There is a [...]


AdHeart The Project AdHeart - Get involved with your heart: Promotion of therapeutic adherence with a telemonitoring system for people with chronic heart failure is a project developed by CINTESIS, in partnership with Fraunhofer Portugal and FPCEUP. With global funding of around 240 million euros from FCT and POR NORTE, AdHeart aims to develop strategies in [...]


1st.IndiQare - Quality indicators in primary health care: validation and application of quality indicators as an evaluation and comparison tool The project 1st.IndiQare – Quality indicators in primary health care: validation and application of quality indicators as an evaluation and comparison tool, began in July 2018 aiming to contribute to improving the quality and efficiency of primary health [...]


HS.HELIOS for Health Data Communication and Portability Developed by HLTSYS – Healty Systems, an enterprise born in CINTESIS and a spin-off of the University of Porto, the project “HS.HELIOS for Health Data Communication and Portability”, in short “HS.HELIOS”, aims to prove the technical and economic viability of HS.HELIOS in real work context within a health institution and promote [...]


Appearance Matters: Tackling the Physical and Psychosocial Consequences of Dissatisfaction with Appearance The project “Appearance Matters: Tackling the Physical and Psychosocial Consequences of Dissatisfaction with Appearance” aimed to increase and improve European research on the impact of dissatisfaction with appearance on the health and lives of those affected. This COST Action project also aimed at evaluating interventions implemented [...]


Towards an International Network for Evidence-based Research in Clinical Health Research The project “Towards an International Network for Evidence-based Research in Clinical Health Research” (EVBRES) will be in force until October 2022 aiming to encourage researchers and stakeholders to use the so called “Evidence-Based Research” (EBR) in the development of clinical research avoiding redundancies and waste. The [...]