ANSES3 – Non-invasive assessment of the autonomic nervous system by analysis of biosignal variability. Application to stress-related clinical situations
ANSES3 The ANSES3 – Non-invasive evaluation of the autonomic nervous system by analysis of the variability of biosignals. Application to clinical situations related to stress, is a project that aims at the development of technology to personalize treatment, evaluate the effectiveness of therapy and identify the population at risk taking as a basis the monitoring of [...]
3C’s 3C’s – Cellulose and cork for antibiotics control in aquatic environment, is a project developed by CINTESIS researchers and funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology - FCT with a global budget of almost 200 thousand euros. The objective of the project is to develop an innovative strategy for antibiotics removal and control [...]
Symbiotic – Innovative autonomous eletrical biossensor synergistically assembled inside a passive direct metanol fuel cell for screening cancer biomarkers
Symbiotic With a total funding of 3.3 million euros provided by the Program Horizon 2020's Future and Emerging Technologies, the project Symbiotic - Innovative autonomous electronic biosensor, synergistically assembled inside a passive direct methanol fuel cell for screening cancer biomarkers, proposes the development of an autonomous, lightweight, disposable and low cost electrochemical biosensor, which can be [...]
3Ps The project 3Ps - Plastic-Antibodies, Plasmonics and Photovoltaic-Cells: on-site screening of cancer biomarkers made possible, received about 1 million euros through the European Research Council - Starting Grant program. As cancer diseases continue to be a major public health concern, this project introduces a new concept of cancer detection, diagnosis and monitoring at the place of [...]
ActiveAdvice The ActiveAdvice project – Decision Support Solutions for Independent Living using na Intelligent AAL and Service Cloud, aims to provide an environment based on fully functional Information and Communication Technology (ICT) with Web and mobile services specially designed to meet the needs of elderly, their carers and their families. The project also aims to provide inclusive [...]
Hygeia The Hygeia project is a health promotion action under the responsibility of CINTESIS and the Department of Community Medicine, Health Information and Decision (MEDCIDS) of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP) that aims at improving the knowledge of the population of the Porto about the prevention of sexually transmitted infections, namely with [...]
PDICSS The Doctoral Program in Clinical and Health Services Research (known as PDICSS) is financially supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and the Operational Program Norte 2020 (N2020), with a total of 297 thousand euros that were used for the opening of 16 PhD studenships (12 funded by FCT and 4 funded by [...]
IoGeneration IoGeneration – Iodine Status in Portugal: the role of supplementation in school units, is a project that aims to quantify ioduria in children in the 1st cycle of basic education and iodine levels in the salt used in schools and at home, as well as training food service professionals on the use of iodized [...]
FunctionalTuna Funded by the P2020 in about 470,000 euros, of which near 142,000 euros are allocated to CINTESIS, Functional Tuna is a project focused on the development of innovative functional tuna preserves. By incorporating a number of ingredients (such as omega-3 fatty acids, beta-glucans and/or plant sterols) in sufficient quantities to allow a physiological response, these new [...]
CANCER Financed with almost 7.5 million euros by N2020, the CANCER project – Advancing Cancer Research: From Basic Knowledge to Application, is a five lines research project in the field of cancer that involves researchers from four institutions: CINTESIS (with a budget of € 300,000), INL, IBMC-i3S and Ipatimup-i3S (coordinatinator). The research lines are: identification of new [...]