Deus ex Machina (DeM) Symbiotic technology for societal efficiency gains - Deus Ex Machina (DeM), is a project financed with almost 3 million euros by the N2020 of which near 220 thousand euros are assigned to CINTESIS as participant. The name of the project evokes the ancient Greek theater where an apparently unresolved problem was overtaken by [...]

NanoSTIMA NanoSTIMA - Macro-to-Nano Human Sensing: Towards Integrated Multimodal Health Monitoring and Analytics, is a project funded by the N2020 in approximately 7.2 million euros, of which near 1.4 million are managed by CINTESIS. The project is organized in five research lines and aims to develop scientific skills to address the major challenges posed by the revolution [...]

CUTEHeart CUTE Heart - Comparative use of technologies for coronary heart disease, is a project developed within the framework of CINTESIS whose principal investigator is Altamiro da Costa Pereira. The project is funded by FCT / Harvard Medical School with 333,000 euros, of which more than 217,000 euros are managed by CINTESIS. CUTEHeart aims to compare the [...]