
“Pallium Game” Wants to Stop the “Conspiracy of Silence” Around Taboo Subjects in Palliative Care

A team from CINTESIS - Center for Health Technology and [...]

By |2022-05-25T11:15:58+01:00March 10, 2022|EN|Comments Off on “Pallium Game” Wants to Stop the “Conspiracy of Silence” Around Taboo Subjects in Palliative Care

Expresso // Victims of Infodemic: “What Makes Someone Believe in Conspiracy Theories is the Same as What Leads to Terrorism”

Miguel Ricou, researcher at CINTESIS - Center for Health Technology [...]

By |2022-05-25T11:16:06+01:00March 8, 2022|EN|Comments Off on Expresso // Victims of Infodemic: “What Makes Someone Believe in Conspiracy Theories is the Same as What Leads to Terrorism”
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