The Symposium “Charting the Future of Evidence Synthesis for Health Technology Assessment and Decision-Making” will be held on December 13, from 9h00 to 16h00.

This event, which is part of the BFREE project – Adjusting Bias in Meta-Analysis Using Empirically Based Prior Distributions: Feasibility, Validity, and Reliability – will take place in the Auditorium of the Center for Medical Research of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP) and online.

The symposium is organized by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto/Department of Community Medicine, Information and Health Decision Sciences (MEDCIDS), with the support of CINTESIS – Center for Health Technology and Services Research, as well as the Associate Laboratory RISE and the Associated Center of Cochrane Portugal in Porto.

The opening session is scheduled for 9h30 and will be attended by Altamiro da Costa Pereira, director of FMUP, Fernando Schmitt, coordinator of the Associate RISE Laboratory, and Luís Azevedo, researcher at CINTESIS@RISE, professor at FMUP and principal investigator of the BFREE project.

This will be followed by presentations by Sofia Dias (University of York, Center for Reviews and Dissemination, NICE Technology Appraisals Committee), entitled “Evidence synthesis for decision-making: making best use of relevant evidence”, and Ielena Savovic (University of Bristol, National Institute for Health and Care Research – NIHR Evidence Synthesis Programme), on “Assessing and incorporating risk of bias in meta-analysis”.

Luís Azevedo and Joana Pardal, both from FMUP, will present the project BFREE – Adjusting Bias in Meta-Analysis Using Empirically Based Prior Distributions: Feasibility, Validity, and Reliability, from 14h00 to 15h00, followed by a debate from 15h00 to 16h00. In addition to Sofia Dias, Jelena Savovic and Luís Azevedo, Holger Schünemann (Humanitas University, Clinical Epidemiology and Research Center, GRADE Working Group) and Bernardo Sousa Pinto (FMUP) will participate as moderators.

This symposium, sponsored by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and organized by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto/Department of Medicine in the Community, Information and Decision in Health (MEDCIDS),  is also supported by CINTESIS, the new RISE-Health Research Unit , the Associate Laboratory RISE, the Portugal GRADE Network, and the Associated Center of Cochrane Portugal in Porto.

Participants can register free of charge, but are required to fill in this form.

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