Call for Abstracts: 7th International Conference on Ethics Education

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O CINTESIS apoia a 7th International Conference on Ethics Education, que irá decorrer entre 22 e 24 de julho de 2019, na Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto (ESEP), sob o lema “Rediscovering the world: Exploring ethics education towards a global bioethics”.

São vários os investigadores do CINTESIS/ESEP que fazem parte do Comité de Organização e do Comité Científico do evento, entre os quais Ana Paula França e Teresa Tomé Ribeiro. O Comité de Honra integra alguns dos maiores vultos da ética a nível nacional e internacional, nomeadamente Walter Osswald, Michel Renaud e Isabel Renaud.

O período de submissão de abstracts (comunicações orais e pósteres) prolonga-se até 17 de março de 2019.


CINTESIS supports the 7th International Conference on Ethics Education, which will take place from July 22 to 24, 2019, at the Nursing School of Porto (ESEP), under the motto “Rediscovering the world: Exploring ethics education towards a global bioethics”.

Several CINTESIS/ESEP researchers are members of the Organizing Committee ando f the Scientific Committee of this event. Some of them are Ana Paula França and Teresa Tomé Ribeiro. The Honorary Committee is integrated by some of the greatest figures of Ethics in Portugal and worldwide, namely Walter Osswald, Michel Renaud and Isabel Renaud.

Abstracts submission (oral communications and posters) is available from November 19, 2018 and will run until March 17, 2019.


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