O II European Forum on Prevention and Primary Care realizar-se-á nos próximos dias 5 e 6 de novembro, no Porto, em parceria com o CINTESIS – Centro de Investigação em Tecnologias e Serviços de Saúde. O tema desta segunda edição será “Medical prevention: the balance of benefits and harms”.
“Não podemos pensar apenas se um exame de saúde diminui a taxa de mortalidade de um cancro. Hoje queremos saber os possíveis malefícios que ele poderá trazer para os indivíduos que irão fazer o teste. Queremos comparar com um grupo controlo e saber quantos tiveram um falso positivo. No futuro, o balanço entre benefícios e malefícios será cada vez mais importante”, afirma Carlos Martins, investigador principal do grupo Health for All, do CINTESIS, e responsável por este evento.
Este evento insere-se nas atividades da rede EUROPREV – the European Network for Prevention and Health Promotion in Family Medicine and General Practice, a que Carlos Martins preside, e tem como parceiros o CINTESIS, a World Organisation of Family Doctors (WONCA), a WONCA Europe, a Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto e a Associação Portuguesa de Medicina Geral e Familiar (APMGF).
Mais informações em: https://www.mgfamiliar.net/EUROPREV/index
The II European Forum on Prevention and Primary Care will take place on November 5 and 6 in Porto, in partnership with CINTESIS – Center for Health Technology and Services Research. The main topic of this second edition is “Medical prevention: the balance of benefits and harms”.
“We cannot consider only if a health examination decreases the mortality rate of a cancer. Today we want to know the possible harms it can bring to the individuals who will be tested. We want to compare with a control group and know how many have had a false positive. In the future, the balance between benefits and harms will be increasingly important,” says Carlos Martins, principal investigator of the group Health for All of CINTESIS, and responsible for this event.
This event is part of the activities of the EUROPREV network – the European Network for Prevention and Health Promotion in Family Medicine and General Practice, which is chaired by Carlos Martins, and whose partners are CINTESIS, the World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA), WONCA Europe, the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto and the Portuguese Association of General and Family Medicine (APMGF).
More information is available at: https://www.mgfamiliar.net/EUROPREV/index