Conferência virtual sobre Bioética e COVID-19 junta especialistas mundiais // Virtual Conference on Bioethics and COVID-19 Brings World Experts Together

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Irá realizar-se nos próximos dias 10 e 11 de março a Global Virtual Conference on Bioethics and the Coronavirus Pandemic (Conferência Global Virtual sobre Bioética e Pandemia de Coronavírus), numa organização da Universidade de Haifa, com a Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto (FMUP), o CINTESIS – Centro de Investigação em Tecnologias e Serviços de Saúde e a Associação Portuguesa de Bioética (APB).

“A recente pandemia de coronavírus (SARS-CoV-2) e a doença associada (COVID-19) precipitou o repensar da Ética global”, afirma Rui Nunes, presidente desta Conferência.

O professor da FMUP e investigador do CINTESIS entende que “esta Conferência é o local perfeito para uma troca de ideias plural e universal, de modo que pessoas diferentes se unam numa visão partilhada de justiça global”.

O programa inclui, no dia 10 de março, a partir das 12h30, as intervenções de Rui Nunes (FMUP/CINTESIS), Amnon Carmi (responsável pela Cátedra Internacional de Bioética), Otmar Kloiber (Associação Médica Mundial) e Shai Linn (Universidade de Haifa).

Está igualmente prevista a realização de quatro paineis intitulados “Bioethics and Global Health”, “COVID-19 and Human Rights”, “Medical Ethics and Professional Integrity” e “Justice in the Access to Healthcare”.

Entre os oradores confirmados contam-se especialistas de vários países, incluindo Trevor Gibbs, presidente da Associação para a Educação Médica na Europa (AMEE), e Annette Kennedy, Presidente do Conselho Internacional de Enfermeiros (ICN).

As inscrições devem ser realizadas aqui.


The Global Virtual Conference on Bioethics and the Coronavirus Pandemic will be held on March 10-11, organized by the University of Haifa, with the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP), CINTESIS – Center for Health Technology and Services Research, and the Portuguese Bioethics Association (APB).

“The recent coronavirus pandemic (SARS-CoV-2) and the associated disease (COVID-19) precipitated the rethinking of global Ethics”, says Rui Nunes, president of this Conference.

The professor  from FMUP and researcher at CINTESIS believes that “this Conference is the perfect place for a plural and universal exchange of ideas, so that different people come together in a shared vision of global justice”.

The program includes, on March 10, starting at 12h30, the interventions of Rui Nunes (FMUP/CINTESIS), Amnon Carmi (responsible for the International Chair of Bioethics), Otmar Kloiber (World Medical Association) and Shai Linn (Haifa University).

Four panels entitled “Bioethics and Global Health”, “COVID-19 and Human Rights”, “Medical Ethics and Professional Integrity”, and “Justice in the Access to Healthcare” are also scheduled.

Confirmed speakers include experts from several countries, including Trevor Gibbs, President of the Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE), and Annette Kennedy, President of the International Council of Nurses (ICN).

Register at the following link.

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