Investigadores do CINTESIS no Skills4Adherence Summer School // CINTESIS Researchers at the Skills4Adherence Summer School

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Vários investigadores do CINTESIS irão participar na primeira Summer School do projeto Skills4Adherence, que irá decorrer entre os dias 10 e 14 de setembro, no salão nobre do complexo ICBAS/FFUP.

O evento arranca na próxima segunda-feira, dia 10 de setembro, pelas 9:45 horas, com as notas de abertura por parte do Vice-Reitor da Universidade do Porto, Pedro Rodrigues, do Diretor da FFUP, José Sousa Lobo, e do coordenador do S4A, Przemyslaw Kardas.

No dia seguinte, após as intervenções de Elísio Costa e de Luís Midão, do Porto4Ageing, está prevista uma sessão intitulada “Medication reconciliation as a practice of health security for the elderly”, com André Ramalho, João Vasco Santos, João Viana e Alberto Freitas, do CINTESIS. Segue-se Luís Filipe Azevedo, também do CINTESIS, com uma intervenção subordinada ao título “Patient-centred outcomes research in multidisciplinary chronic pain clinics”.

Neste dia, fala ainda Daniela Figueiredo, outra investigadora desta Unidade, a propósito do projeto “Together We Stand: Promoting adherence in end-stage renal disease through a family based self-management intervention”.

João Almeida Fonseca, Rui Guedes, Cristina Jácome, Rute Almeida e Mariana Pereira, do CINTESIS, irão participar no dia 12 de setembro, numa sessão totalmente dedicada à adesão terapêutica na doença respiratória crónica. Em foco estarão o InspirerMundi, o projeto Inspirers, a app Allergy Diary e o projeto ARIA in pharmacy.

A não adesão ao tratamento tem sido reconhecida como um problema sério de saúde pública à escala mundial, constituindo um desafio para investigadores e prestadores de cuidados de saúde.

O Skills4Adherence Summer School resulta da conjugação de esforços da Universidade do Porto, Medical University of Lodz (Polónia) e Fondazione S. Maugeri (Itália). A iniciativa faz parte do projeto Skills4Adherence, co-financiado pelo Programa ERASMUS+.


Several CINTESIS researchers will participate at the first Summer School of the project Skills4Adherence that will take place from September 10 to 14 at the salão nobre (Main Hall) of the building complex ICBAS/FFUP.

The event starts next Monday, September 10, at 9:45 am, with the opening notes by the Vice-Rector of the University of Porto, Pedro Rodrigues, the Director of the FFUP, José Sousa Lobo, and the coordinator of the S4A, Przemyslaw Kardas.

The following day, after interventions by Elísio Costa and Luís Midão, from Porto4Ageing, a session entitled “Medication Reconciliation as a Practice of Health Security for the Elderly” was planned with André Ramalho, João Vasco Santos, João Viana and Alberto Freitas, from CINTESIS, followed by Luís Filipe Azevedo, also from CINTESIS, with an intervention entitled “Patient-Centered Outcomes Research in Multidisciplinary Chronic Pain Clinics”.

On this day, Daniela Figueiredo, another researcher from this unit, talks about the project “Together We Stand: Promoting Adherence in End-stage Renal Disease Through a Family Based Self-Management Intervention”.

João Almeida Fonseca, Rui Guedes, Cristina Jácome, Rute Almeida and Mariana Pereira, from CINTESIS, will participate on September 12 in a session totally dedicated to Therapeutic Adherence in Chronic Respiratory Disease. Another focus of attention will be InspirerMundi, the Inspirers project, the Allergy Diary app and the ARIA in pharmacy project.

Non-adherence to treatment has been recognized as a serious global public health problem, posing a challenge for researchers and health care providers.

The Skills4Adherence Summer School is a result of the efforts of the University of Porto, the Medical University of Lodz (Poland) and the Fondazione S. Maugeri (Italy). The initiative is part of the Skills4Adherence project, co-financed by the ERASMUS + Program.

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